this one is about the moment of the big bang or creation if you please...about how a single consciousness realizes its split into many....slight religious undertones to it
Vast immeasurable oceans of space
Dark and empty to the farthest gaze
There is neither Light nor Dark
Night nor Day
the clock does not tick
the bell does not toll
Time has no meaning here
Nor does Space
All that exists here is Consciousness
An awareness ,with neither form nor face
Emotions are yet to be born
Creation yet to occur
A small minute speck of light
A golden Orb of the whitest white
Neither within nor outside
Pulsating , glowing;
Throbbing with power unfathomable
The splendour of a thousand suns!!!oh Hiranyagarbha!!!
The Sphere begins to grow
Swallowing and engulfing Nothingness
Then Division is Willed
Galaxies and stars are born
Numbers too vast to count
I becomes WE
ONE torn to many
The same yet unique
Still the Orb remains
Its aura undiminished
Its nature unchanged
What is Whole is Whole
What is Whole will forever be Whole
Any pert from the Whole is the Whole
And does in no way diminish the Whole
tThe Ethereal enters the Gross
Self regulating self sustained by a set of laws
Thus is the mighty stage set
To feature the Play of plays
Where truth is hidden beneath the veil
And each one's a stringed puppet
Twisted one way then the other
By whims of faceless Fate
Striving and yearning
Yearning to gleam
The reality behind the facade
4 years ago