what is religion exactly ??and where does it figure in terms of individual or in terms of society?and who defines a re;religion like Hinduism??
religion you can say is belief in god.but does it mean that we have to forget rationalism and blindly believe?does religion teach us to be blind believing fools of what a person says without even seeing the person who said it?[like a Buddha?]so obviously when rationalism comes into play you can only believe something for which proof exists.how do you prove something which exists on the spiritual plane and not on the material?the answer sages give is that the proof is in the seeing and experiencing .Vivekananda as young naren was curious about spirituality and he went to different men and women who preached and listened to their discourese.then at the end of each discourse he asked the person concerned "have you seen god?'.the natural reply was no.he walked away dissappointed because he felt that only those who had seen god can lead him to god.when he met ramakrishna paramahamsa and asked the same question ramakrishna replied"my child i see him just as i see you only in a much intenser state".vivekananda asked him if it was possible for him to see god too.ramakrishna repliesd that "i will teach you".history records what vivekananda achieved . science has a proof for every conclusion it draws.itsays that we move from an established fixed principle and logically derive results which serve as proof to a new theory.the other way is performing an experiment according to steps given will give proof for a theory.religion emplyoys the same methods.either they rationally start by saying why the body cannot function on its ownand lead it to the logical conclusion of a god and a soul or they ask a person to follow certain instructions to the letter for a certain period to get the proof i.e realisation.
as to where religion figures in a society tommorrow ppl