Disclaimer:this is utterly copied and pasted from the blog "THE INFINITY" which i seriously recommend .so here it is :
background information :
the author of the blog is finishing his final year and is about to write his last set of exams.this is his tribute to his friend.
I wanted a perfect ending. Now I've learned, the hard way, that some poems don't rhyme, and some stories don't have a clear beginning, middle, and end. Life is about not knowing, having to change, taking the moment and making the best of it, without knowing what's going to happen next. -- Gilda Radner
A day to go before I start off with my finally final exams of the final year... and then, (in all probability) I'll be an engineer.
[OMG! what rhyme man...]It's been four long years... and yet, when i look back, feels like just, yesterday. For the umpteenth time on my blog, and probably the last, I reiterate - "I hate my college." I hate the place, I hate the climate and I hate most if not all the people, I met (or not). In short, I hate everything that is there to be hated and everything that there isn't. But, this isn't about hate you know... This is about thanking people who made this journey - an experience of a life time. People whom I grew up with (at least I'd like to believe that) people who taught me so much in so little a time that I have problem storing the treasure (And that doesn't really include the teachers... Most (I say most and not all) of them were nothing but pretentious jokers who came nowhere close to being fit for the noble profession. And above all, it's about Friends. Now, you keep getting on terms of good friends, better friends and best friends with your friends, but all the same, they remain friends. People, whom you could tell something at some point of time that you didn't feel like telling anyone else in the world. Faces that came to your mind first, when things gave the slightest hint of going awry. The certain someone you could share a drink or two with and still be at ease. Someone you could make fun of and rest assured you didn't have to ask if it was going overboard. The blackmailer, you could share your dreams and fantasies and of course crushes with. That certain someone you wouldn't wait for a second to call up before you broke news about the latest in your life. The names you looked for, first up, when signing into chat. And yes, someone you could count on to get you through your exams, when the day arrived, by hook, or by crook. A few of my friends tell me I write long, too long. Their curse! I'm not getting more words to fill up this post with... So I'd do probably what's the best thing to do in such circumstances... leave you with a song and some memories. I heard some people in my college say that the official college farewell documentary didn't make them cry. Ridiculous! Go watch the numerous other things that can make you cry, sweet memories are things to be cherished and smiled upon, if you think otherwise... go get a life!On a parting note,
A sunbeam to warm you,
A moonbeam to charm you,
A sheltering angel, so nothing can harm you.
Good Bye, Good Luck and errr... Good Riddance!
Listening to: Are We The Waiting, American Idiot, GreendayDedicated to: Friends and Friendship, yeah! Just that...