I have the terrible malady of speaking my mind. I believe that ,however hard reality is ,you must face up to it. I believe that ,no matter what, you must never shy away from thinking. And I believe that ,as I believe in these things, most people just switch off their minds ,cause what I say makes sense and they don't want to face up to reality.
Their reason for doing so: "you think too much". I say “do you think it makes a difference whether you choose to see or not to see? can you remove the sun by just shutting your eyes? “.Or maybe reality is what you perceive it to be and most are quite happy with a candy floss reality where things are supposed to be rosy and bright and when sorrow comes you don’t even face up to it .Result: depression without knowing why. "Oh but the whole world is doing it”.” So you do it too even without using your head?. It is about using your head anyway.
When I was traveling in a bus, due to my extra long frame ,I was cramped for space. My mind goes like "every person above average in any way has to pay. Be it seats cramping you or taxes when rich or curfews when popular. The other side is, life gives these burdens only to people who have the courage to carry them, who achieve their goal and take the whole world along if needed.
That is how the world moves forward, because we stand on the shoulders of giants. Only that we try to stone them to our size. The burden you have is proportional to your ability. A Washington had the ability to bear the burden of building a nation .Some others can provide employment to few tens of people ,others can sustain their families and so on. So specific work, specific skills. specific level of endurance and character specific responsibility. Next time you shoulder responsibility remember it is given to you because you have the strength to bear it. Lend your shoulder.Be a man.
4 years ago