
Saturday, January 16, 2010

Kick Start Coimbatore

A few of us are launching a site for coimbatore( Namma Ooru). THis is not another directory listing site or a news coverage site. This is crazy. Irreverent.In your face.For us,  by us.

We are not going to beat around the bush. Your question is, "Dude what are you going to offer me"? To which we reply- Coimbatore in a whole new light. A LOT of people complain that there isn’t much to do and that they are floating in boredom.If you are one among them asking what has Coimbatore to offer me,this is the place for you!
We tell you about the happening things and places ,about the cool clubs we have .We give you sneak previews of whats coming up in cbe.We tell you what are the best places to hang out(Yes).
We will introduce you to the people, we are going to get you closer to everyone around you, and not through scraps and poring through friends lists.There are hundreds that share your interests, hundreds who have no interests, hundreds who are searching for interests and thousands of other people, who you just might like.We will bring them closer to you.
We are launching a web site shortly. This is a preview. have a look and get back to us. Send in feedback be it roses or brickbats.Tell us what you want to see in there.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Carpe Diem

Laugh all you want. I am gonna take a resolution. One resolution. No, its not "Im gonna be good to mommy this year" or "Im gonna work out this year". Its something much simpler, something more.Two words. Latin. You know it .Carpe Diem. Yeah CARPE DIEM BABY!

A sudden connection over facebook, a sudden high, a new zeal for life. Poetry to usher in the year.

Carpe Diem

Inching closer to a new beginning,
A new dawn,
Feel the change
Palpable in the air.

High hopes,aims, dreams and aspirations,
Of promises kept and words broken,
Success and yet failure too

Every moment,every breath drawn
Carpe Diem pounding true.

Carpe Diem.Latin
"seize the day"
Take it by the throat
Capture it
Make it yours

Squeeze what what you can
Demand and get what you want
Go for it!

For the whole damn year!
No matter who, what, when or why.

Life king size
For what you hold true
Life the way life
One given to few

You exist for yourself
You are your own proof
You are the witness to you life
The judge,jury and Holder of the Scale

Go sqeeze and suck each day
Wear out your shoes
Tread new paths
Do something, anything
Be true to you.

Yes.I mean it. Anyone sees me backing out on it, kick me in the butt and remind me.